
The Kroll Bond Rating Agency upgraded Connecticut’s long-term general obligation rating to AA-plus from AA on Thursday. The upgraded rating continues Kroll’s stable outlook and reflected Connecticut’s “strong credit profile and significant and continuing progress in improving its financial position over the last six fiscal years,” the agency said. KBRA pointed in particular to the extension
California’s rating outlook was revised to negative from stable Thursday by Moody’s Investors Service amid the state’s revenue uncertainty. The rating agency also affirmed the Aa2 rating on the state’s general obligation bonds, citing the state’s massive economic base and healthy budget reserves and liquidity. The Aa2 rating on the state’s general obligation bonds is
A committee formed by the California treasurer’s office has developed investor-driven guidelines for disclosure on green bond issuance. The thrust of the guidelines, created by the California Green Bond Market Development Committee, was to help issuers provide more uniform disclosure. It dovetails with the International Capital Market Association’s guidelines, but provides information more specific to
Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey’s tax relief package is one step closer to passage despite slumping revenue figures. On Tuesday, the state Senate Ways and Means Committee unanimously passed a $55.8 billion budget for fiscal ’24, forwarding along to the Democratic-controlled chamber a $575 million tax cut plan that preserves many of the proposals the governor
Banks and underwriters are beginning to respond to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s recent enforcement actions on limited offering disclosures by requiring investor letters and for some, forgoing the exemption even when they qualify. That’s according to panelists at the SEC’s Municipal Securities Disclosure Conference on Wednesday, where panelists took the time to discuss the
The Federal Reserve said that banks reported tighter standards and weaker demand for loans in the first quarter, extending a trend that began before recent stresses in the banking sector emerged. The proportion of US banks tightening terms on commercial and industrial loans for medium and large businesses rose to 46%, up from 44.8% in
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard said he thinks the U.S. central bank can still achieve a soft landing, with inflation returning to the Fed’s 2% target without triggering a significant downturn. “Yes, the economy could go into recession, but that’s not the base case,” Bullard told the Economic Club of Minneapolis
Looking at the market’s choppiness and heavy supply, Columbus decided last week to push of its new money and refunding to this week, but little did officials know that the U.S. Treasury would throw a curve ball by suspending the sale of State and Local Government Series securities. City Auditor Megan Kilgore said the city’s